Responsive Floats

Summary: Modify float CSS to work better on small screens
Version: 2016-09-15
Prerequisites: PmWiki 2
Status: Alpha
Maintainer: Hagan Fox
License: n/a
Categories: CSS, RWD
Users: (view? / edit)

Questions answered by this recipe

How can I improve "floating" wikistyles (rfloat, lfloat, rframe, lframe) on small screens?


Improve the way float wikistyles (rfloat, lfloat, rframe, lframe) work on small screens.

On a small screen or mobile device, floated page elements can become too wide and crowd out neighboring text. This recipe makes floats behave better on small screens.


Config File

Add the following to your config.php file:

$HTMLStylesFmt['responsivefloat'] = '
.lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:50%; margin-bottom:2px; }

Alternatively you can use media queries for normal behavior on large screens where floats don't tend to crowd out neighboring text. (Two extra lines.)

$HTMLStylesFmt['responsivefloat'] = '
 .lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:50%; margin-bottom:2px; } 
 @media (min-width:55em) {
   .lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:none; margin-bottom:0; } }

Adjust the min-width (55) and max-width (100%) values to taste. Sometimes "max-width:100%" will work better.

Local CSS File

Add the to your local CSS stylesheet. (You may need to create one.)

/* Floats leave room for neighboring text on small screens */
.lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:50%; margin-bottom:2px; }
/* Floats leave room for neighboring text on small screens */
.lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:50%; margin-bottom:2px; }
@media (min-width:55em) { 
  .lfloat, .rfloat { max-width:100%; margin-bottom:0; }

Again, adjust the min-width value to taste.


If it works, it just works. You may want to adjust the min-width value if you use media queries (@media (min-width:55em) {).


Effectiveness will be skin-dependent.

Change log / Release notes

  • 2016-09-15 - Initial release

See also



See discussion at ResponiveFloats-Talk?

Page last modified on September 17, 2016
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